Operating Segments
Chemicals Segment
GPC Química S/A: a closely held corporation headquartered in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, mainly aimed at manufacturing thermoset resins for the reconstituted wood panel industry (agglomerate/plywood and MDF) and at producing formaldehyde. The company’s operating units are located in the municipalities of Araucária (in the state of Paraná) and Uberaba (in the state of Minas Gerais).
Copenor – Companhia Petroquímica do Nordeste – (“Copenor”): a closely held corporation headquartered at the Camaçari Petrochemical Complex, in the state of Bahia. The company is jointly controlled by GPC Participações S/A and Petróleo Brasileiro S/A – Petrobras, through Metanor S/A – Metanol do Nordeste, and is engaged in the production of formaldehyde and hexamine, as well as the resale of methanol and other chemicals.
Steel Tubes Segment
Apolo Tubos e Equipamentos S/A: a closely held corporation headquartered in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, mainly engaged in exploring the steel industry (in all its modalities), especially for the production of tubes for the civil CONSTRUCTION, infrastructure and automobile markets.
Apolo Tubulars S/A: a closely held corporation headquartered in the city of Lorena, in the state of São Paulo, mainly aimed at manufacturing special steel tubes to primarily serve the petroleum and gas segment.