Board of Directors, Executive Board, Fiscal Council and ESG Committee



Board members elected at the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held on june 07, 2021, for a term of office ending on june 05, 2023
Name: Position:
Paulo Cesar Peixoto de Castro Palhares Chairman (Independente Director)
Paulo Cesar Peixoto de Castro Palhares: Mr. Palhares is a executive with extensive experience, former CEO of Dexxos Participações S.A., a member of the Board of Directors of Refinaria de Petróleos Manguinhos S.A., and an Executive Officer at several companies like Alplan S/A Ind. Com. Chapas de Madeira, Apolo Produtos de Aço S.A., and GPC Ind. Com. Ltda. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Dexxos Participações S.A. and of its investee GPC Química S.A. He is also the Vice-Chairmna of the Board of Directors of the investee Apolo Tubos e Equipamentos S.A.
Omar Carneiro da Cunha Sobrinho Vice-Chairman (Independent Director)
Omar Carneiro da Cunha Sobrinho: Mr. Sobrinho has a graduate degree in Economics from the Rio de Janeiro School of Political Science and Economics, was the CEO of Shell do Brasil S.A., Billiton Metais S.A., and AT&T Brasil Ltda. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Energisa S/A since 1998 and held various positions at companies like Brookfield Incorporações S.A. and Grupo Libra. Additionally, he is an Executive Officer at the Rio de Janeiro branch of the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham Brazil) and a member of the Superior Council of the Rio de Janeiro Trade Association.
Frederico Átila Silva Neves (Independent Board director)
Frederico Átila Silva Neves: Mr. Neves graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and in 1984 concluded the master’s course in Business Administration at COPPEAD/UFRJ. He has taken several specialization courses in the accounting and tax areas and an extension course in tax procedural law. He was Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations at Mills Estruturas e Serviços S.A., where he served between 1999 and 2015 and led the IPO on the Novo Mercado, public issuance of debentures and led the implementation of SAP. He was Controller at SC Johnson, where he worked between 1989 and 1999 and previously Treasury Manager at Montrealbank and Financial Supervisor at Swedish Match Brasil. Since 2016 he has been providing consultancy and participating in M&A transactions in companies from different segments. He was CFO of Greenpeople Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos from 2019 to 2020. He was chairman of the fiscal council of Smartcoat Serviços em Revestimento S.A., controlled by Priner S.A., in the period 2020/21 and since 2022 he has been chairman of the fiscal council of Westwing Comércio Varejista S.A., both listed on the Novo Mercado segment. He was a member of the advisory board of HIRSA Sistemas de Automação e Controle.
Executive Board
Members of the executive board elected at the board of directors’ meeting held on may 13, 2022, for a term of office ending on may 13, 2025
Name: Position:
Rafael Alcides Raphael CEO
Rafael Alcides Raphael: Mr. Raphael is an executive with over 25 years of experience and held senior management positions in national and multinational companies like Unisys and Koch Industries. He is currently the CEO of Dexxos Participações, GPC Química, Apolo Tubos and Apolo Tubulars.
George Abi-Rihan Cordeiro Executive and Investor Relations Officer
George Abi-Rihan Cordeiro: Mr. Cordeiro is an executive with over 30 years of experience in national companies, such as Pronor Petroquímica S.A., Unipar União de Indústrias Petroquímicas S.A., and SuperVia S.A. He held senior management positions in the Controllership and Financial areas. Since 2013, he has been working as a Controller in the subsidiaries of Dexxos Participações. He is currently Executive and Investor Relations Officer of Dexxos Participações S.A.
Fiscal Council
Members of the fiscal coucil elected at the annual and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held on april 28, 2023, for a term of office to end at the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting that will review the accounts and the financial statements for 2023.
Name: Position:
Carlos Roberto Magalhães: Mr. Magalhães is an executive with over 40 years of experience who worked in the controllership areas of companies like BP British Petroleum and the Bunge & Borns Group. He is currently the PRESIDENT-SITTING MEMBER of the Fiscal Council of Dexxos Participações S.A.
José Joaquim Geraldo Neto SITTING MEMBER
José Joaquim Geraldo Neto: Mr. Neto is a sitting member of the Fiscal Council of i) Dexxos Participações S.A.; ii) investees GPC Química S/A, and Apolo Tubos e Equipamentos S/A; and iii) affiliate Metanor S/A – Metanor do Nordeste. He was the Administrative and Financial Manager of investee GPC Química S/A from May 2008 to February 2010 and Superintendent Director of Meta Adm. e Serviços S/C LTDA from August 1998 to May 2008.
Cid Gabriel Ferreira de Sampaio SITTING MEMBER
Cid Gabriel Ferreira de Sampaio: Mr. Sampaio is an executive with over 40 years of experience in the steelmaking sector and has vast knowledge of industrial project operations, implementation and conception, developing qualifications for foreign trade and the oil and gas industry. He was also an executive officer at Apolo Tubos, and Apolo Tubulars. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Dexxos Participações and Apolo Tubulars, as well as Vice-President of the Brazilian Metal Tubes and Accessories Industry Association (ABITAM).
Alberto Braune Barcellos Filho Effective Member
Alberto Braune Barcellos Filho: Mr. Alberto Braune Barcellos Filho is an effective member of the Company’s fiscal council. An executive with extensive experience, he has held director and management positions in segments such as Administration, Real Estate Management, Controls and Planning
ESG Committee
Members of the esg committee elected at the board of directors’ meeting held on
May 25, 2022, for a term of office coinciding with that of the board members who elected them, i.E. Until june 05, 2023
Name: Position:
Carlos Eduardo de Sá Baptista Coordinator
Carlos Eduardo de Sá Baptista: Mr. Baptista is a sitting member of the Company’s Board of Directors. He is an executive with over 40 years of experience in the steelmaking sector and has vast knowledge of industrial project operations, implementation and conception. He was also an executive officer at Apolo Tubos e Equipamentos S.A. and Apolo Tubulars S.A. He is currently a sitting member of the Board of Directors of Dexxos Participações S.A. and Apolo Tubulars S.A., as well as Vice-President of the Brazilian Metal Tubes and Accessories Industry Association (ABITAM).
Cesar Augusto Peixoto de Castro Palhares Member
Cesar Augusto Peixoto de Castro Palhares: Member of the ESG Committee Mr. Palhares is OFFICER for the Company’s Subsidiaries (GPC Química S.A., Apolo Tubos e Equipamentos S.A., and Apolo Tubulars S.A.)
Aline de Freitas Santos da Costa Member
Aline de Freitas Santos da Costa: Member of the ESG Committee
Aline de Freitas Santos da Costa: Administrative AND HUMAN RESOURCE Manager AT AFFILIATE GPC QUÍMICA S.A.
Andressa Leandro Siqueira Member
Andressa Leandro Siqueira Member of the ESG Committee
Andressa Leandro Siqueira: Legal Expert at affiliate Apolo Tubulars S.A.